03 March 2016

hello little one // week 35

Hello little one,

Alice totally gets that she is on the brink of becoming a full-fledged BIG SISTER. We read her I'm a Big Sister book and she practically acts it out- pretends to ask if she can hold you and then gently hugs my belly. She saw you move those other day and froze, disbelieving. Then, she waltzed right over and gave us a hug. I know your arrival is bound to be a massive transition for all of us, but I can't help but be hopeful that it'll be made slightly easier by how genuinely sweet your older sister is. I can't wait to see you together.

You are all a bustle! If you don't have hiccups, you are gyrating to such an extreme that it wakes me up at night. One little foot is constantly rubbing and kicking along the right side of my belly. I play with you- tapping or rubbing your foot back, and you respond by following or moving away from my touch, or kicking all the harder. Your dada had his hand on my belly last night and exclaimed "Jeez! Alice didn't move like that, did she!?" You know kiddo, I don't think she did. I think you are your own little expressive person already.

I feel very pregnant with you. Wobbly and whale-ish. For certain, the third trimester has been the best of all your time growing inside of me, but I must admit that I am tired at this point baby. The other night I had my first bout of painful contractions and although it made me a bit nervous- its too early!- I also felt quietly giddy at the reality that you will be out in the world with us very soon. Not yet, but soon. Then, we can be sleepy and snuggly together.

I love you.

Love, mom

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