08 April 2015

my daughter will be a year old next month

It is unbelievable, right? Alice cannot possibly be 11 months old today. But, sure enough, there's the calendar and it tells me the date is April 8, 2015. My baby is quickly leaving babydom behind and toddling her way into childhood. Sheesh. We've got a birthday bash to plan. But before I skip the next month away, there is the current milestone at hand- my girl is 11 months old:
+ As of a week or two ago, you now point to everything you focus your eyes on. It starts as soon as I lift you out of your crib in the morning- you point and I reply "book shelf, paci, door, window, changing table..." Which word will you land on first?

+ You continue to babble in your sing-song-y way, but just last week you also found the way to stop a sound short. This feels like a distinct step in the direction of finding your first word. You know who Dada is and you can point to the dogs when I ask where they are. You point to a banana when you want one, but you haven't found the words yourself. I have a feeling once the first one comes, many will come pouring out in short succession.

+ A funny little faux laugh has developed that seems to be your way to participate in conversation happening around you. You'll make this amusing trickling sound for many minutes at a time. Just last week we were at the Brown's for dinner and you spent at least five minutes walking along their dining table bench, holding yourself up and pretending to laugh along with the conversation overhead.

+ Last month you took a sudden interest in any board books with textural elements or flaps to lift. I love reading to you, so to have you actually interested rather than simply tolerant is a very exciting progression. I know your favorite books by heart. I don't know how many times we've played peek-a-boo with Paul.
+ You get hangry. I'm not kidding. We'll be so confused by your sudden switch of temperament- from hugging and laughing to feisty and upset, and then it'll dawn on us: she's hangry. Down you sit in your highchair. You pull your green tray right off the table and onto your lap and wave your arms as I grab whatever I can most quickly place in front of you. An entire banana? Devoured in a couple minutes flat. A bowl of rice? Gone. For lunch this week you have been eating an avocado, banana and an orange- all in their entirety. You eat more than I do. Our grocery budget is ballooning, but we love how you eat and are not deterred by texture or taste. You have an especial love of all fruits and veggies. Cabbage, carrots, cauliflower, brussel sprouts? Honestly- you've happily eaten most everything we've placed in front of you.

+ Hugs! You give such incredible hugs and you even offer them on demand. "Can you hug Artie?" Over you lean, grasping Artie-boy around the neck and planting an open-mouth smooch on his face. "Can you hug Katie?" You lean in her direction and hold on for several minutes. During the passing of the peace on Easter Sunday you offered a hug to the stranger next to me. (!)

+ The last month has been really, really fun. You're so awesome! You're so funny! You're so smart and strong and brave! And you're truly, gorgeously adorable. Those slate blue eyes of yours slay me. You are our spark, our little monster. Your dad calls you "miss." I still call you "baby." We stare at you and at each other and back at you, our looks silently asking "isn't she amazing?" and "how did we get so lucky?" Oh, our dear sweet Alice girl- I don't know how we got so dang lucky with you. You are a gift that we do not take for granted. Every day with you is such a gift.
these last pics were taken by KL- photo evidence of Alice's hugging and those awesome monster chompers

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