18 April 2014

dear baby // week 38

Dear baby,

Well honey, we are ready for you. Our house is a home again and your room even has the tiniest little diapers waiting for you. Last night daddy and I ate dinner at our table together for the first time in months and he thanked God once again for all the hands that have built and cleaned our home in preparation for your arrival. There is a really incredible family waiting out here for you- a community excited to love you- and they love tangibly, actively.  I am so grateful that you will have them to learn from and laugh with.

I'll be honest, carrying you has started to get a little uncomfortable this week. I love it- don't get me wrong- and I love being connected to you. I will be so very sad to have this time end and I will mourn the loss of this intimacy. But, I think every phase is important both in itself and in its preparation for the next one, and I'm starting to feel prepared for the next phase baby- laboring for you, meeting you and holding you. I feel as if I'm in limbo, wondering every day if this is the day you will join us. It is a crazy thing to be in waiting for- waiting for you to change the rest of our lives.

I can't say enough how deeply grateful I am though baby: for you, for the chance to be your mom, to see Jake as your dad, for the immense ways we have been cared for over the past nine months. I have never been so humbled. Maybe that is why I'm feeling more ready for your arrival too: I know we have only gotten to a place of being prepared because of the love and labor of our dearest family and friends, and now I know more than ever that as we learn how to be your parents, we will need to continue to depend on those around us.

I love you. Please stay safe and strong and come whenever you are ready. We are so excited to meet you.

Love, mom


  1. Jim Barton10:33 AM

    wishing you all the best as baby joins the rest of us!


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