30 August 2011

the book-by-its-cover and all that

We have these perceptions of ourselves. They affect how we live our lives. And then there's this perception others have of us. Those affect how we live our lives too. And then, finally, there exists a gap between those perceptions. This subconscious misunderstanding between us and everyone else.

Maybe that's what marriage is? Narrowing that gap between the perceptions. Chiseling down that misunderstanding. Its hard work, that's for darn sure. Because, heck, we don't even realize the perceptions we have. The assumptions we make...of ourselves and others.

We were interviewing a potential production staff member yesterday. We asked how she deals with conflict and confrontation. She said that people don't expect it, but she's quite confrontational- "I just like everyone to be on the same page." Me too. Good answer. Then conversation turned to introspection. My co-worker (that lovely red polka-dotted dress wearer) said she understood the feeling of people not expecting what she actually is. She said people always expected her to be bold and confrontational, but she could hardly speak in public places until college- she was extremely shy, home-schooled and terrified of strangers. Huh. Well, there it is. Perception gaps. The book-by-its-cover and all that. The kicker is that we even perceive ourselves on a bias. Neither perception is spot-on! There's always the need to be seeking- searching for the truth of who we are and where our hearts lie.

Would you expect me to have done this?
not recently, of course. these pictures are circa 2007

1 comment:

  1. its true, but not always easy to remember it seems. I'm very impressed with your hair though. Takes a lot of confidence to rock that!

    -Heather from lifeofapasseri.blogspot.com


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