31 August 2011

dinner with the fam

As we left dinner with my family last night, Jake said "you have a great family...well, we have a great family." That's true-WE have a great family! Ah-hah! My family is Jake's family! It's funny, this marriage thing. It's still sinking in, with all it's many levels. 

Steve and Linnie, my delightful parents, drove up for an impromptu visit. Connecticut was hit pretty hard by mean Irene this weekend, and they needed an escape. I had to work late and speaking at a campaign event got me all wound up, so it was perfect to be able to drive just a few blocks and have dinner with the folks, my sister, and the precious niece and nephew.  

Dinner through Katie's 3-year old eyes:
"Now I will take a picture of the sky. Now I will take a picture of my plate. Now I will take a picture of Auntie..."

And a little bit through my own eyes too:

1 comment:

  1. That is so so awesome that your husband loves you family. It's so important too! I think that one of the top things (statistically) that married couples fight about is in-laws. So the fact that that is a non-issue for you guys is a really good thing!!


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