23 March 2016

hello little one // week 38

Hello little one,

Alice doesn't want to leave you out of anything- not even sticker play. She brings you stuffed animals and frequent kisses. We've been extensively discussing what name we'll give you when you arrive and Alice participates in those conversations too. She isn't much help though, to be honest. She likes any and every possible name we present and when asked, her consistent suggestion is "Guggy-Guggy." Don't worry. That's not on our short list.

I've been feeling twinges of anxiety over laboring you into the world. I felt quite prepared the last time around- the naive approach of someone who has taken the classes and read the books, but not actually accomplished the task at hand. I haven't taken a class this time, but I do have experience under my belt- enough to know that there is only so much within my control. I will do my best for you, baby. I am ready to work hard and breath deep- dig deep- to get you out here with us. For now, I will attempt to let go of these anxious twinges and accept-accept-accept the impending unknown. As long as I am holding you when all is said and done, all will be well.

A couple months ago, I thought these final weeks were forever-away. Now, the pregnancy seems suddenly over. You could come any day- or not for another couple weeks, of course- and I'm a bit overwhelmed by your impending presence. All that it means. All the change in store. My last day of work? This Friday. How absurd. Yet, I am so very ready to navigate this transition with you, my love. We will take our time and take deep breaths and find our way together. It is not difficult at all for me to flash quickly back to my immediate, staggering obsession with your sister. Are you ready for it, kiddo? Prepare yourself for my mug shamelessly staring at yours at all hours of day and night.

I love you.

Love, mom

1 comment:

  1. Thinking of you, Kim! Love and breath and patience and more love and breath and patience as you await your new babe!


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