22 October 2015

mountains and molehills

On the front end of this post, let's be quite clear about something: I do not know how to be a parent.

Does any parent, really? I have conversed with moms who say every choice is a weighted one and know others who fully subscribe to a follow-my-gut mentality. Of course, there are those in the middle, too- or maybe all of us are in the middle of that paradigm to some degree? Again, I don't know. I don't know what I'm doing. I know and deeply love Alice, but she is already stumping me on certain, ahem, disciplinary issues. Some things to which we said an adamant "no!" just a month ago have already gone the way of "there are other mountains I would rather die on." Playing with the dog bowls? Meh. It kinda grosses me out and absolutely makes a mess, but both Jake and I, on separate occasions, have thrown our hands in the air over this battle and accepted Alice's splashing in the dogs' water as a chance to make dinner. There are certainly worse things she could be splashing in.

A friend told me yesterday: "Alice has such a gentle soul, you can just tell!" Which I agree with, almost 100% of the time. Alice is cuddly. She gives the sweetest, softest kisses. She hugs everything she comes into contact with- rocks, acorns, whatever we're eating for dinner. She gives the dogs full-on hugs and cuddles. BUT. She also, often out of nowhere, is intrigued with hitting me in the face. She SLAPS me across my face! Sometimes she does this out of clear frustration- "Stop singing me lullabies! I'm not going to bed woman!" When Alice is aggressive, my response is easy: a quick "Hitting is not nice. No hitting, please." And then I put her down or into her crib and walk away. Boom. But when she's smacking my mug out of sheer curiosity? And "no hitting!" isn't getting me anywhere? WHAT DO I DO?

Last night, in a moment of "seriously-why-are-you-hitting-me-again-you-beautiful-monster!?", I gave Alice another action to replace the hitting. I asked her, instead of hitting my face, if she could pet my face. Without hesitation, the pummeling ceased and I suddenly had a toddler gently caressing my cheek, then wanting to pet Jake's, then leaning in so I could gently run my fingers along her cheek too. That's all she needed!? A replacement for the hitting!? 

Oh, sheesh. I know not all issues will be resolved with such a head-smacking "duh!" moment, but it sure is nice when it does happen that way.

How's that for Alice's charm caught on camera? Also, I spy a pregnant belly. 

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