+ You have not had an easy month. I think I did a little too much bragging about how you'd avoided sickness this entire winter and some lurking germs took my bravado as a challenge. I'm sorry. You spent much of the last four weeks ailed and wobbly with what feels like the cold that will not quit. Through it you have demonstrated your strong, sweet demeanor all the more. You are a tough cookie and we have been so proud of you. Despite frighteningly high fevers and ruthlessly stuffy sinuses, you are smiley and quick to laugh (especially with your dada). You are cuddly, but independent. Worrying about you is a privilege.
+ Despite sickness, you have gotten distinctly more smiley and funny this month. You reciprocate smiles and you laugh when we do, not just in response to antics. You flirt with those big, slate blue eyes of yours. You're shy with new people, but generously warm with those you love.
+ You crawl and climb. You stand unassisted for a couple seconds at a time. You run across the kitchen in your walker. One of these days you will take your first steps and will once again amaze us with your ever growing abilities.
+ You gnaw on the side of your crib like a beaver! I stop you when I can, but the side rail is still scarred along its entirety with tiny teeth marks. Those teeth! They are hilarious. We love your six big monster teeth.
+ You continue to like any/all food you try. Currants and pineapple were new additions this month. Avocado remains your favorite and you love a simple scrambled egg. You eat raw kale like it ain't no thang. I hope prejudice against these odd foods doesn't ever kick in. To you, a leaf of kale is just as appealing as a chunk of cheese or a sliver of cookie.
+ We have kitchen dance parties in the evenings. You like to dance in your high chair or your walker, or to sit on the kitchen floor while we hop around above you. The Beatles get you jiving most quickly, but you don't mind the radio turned on to whatever music we can tune in. A shakey egg or tambourine is usually in your hands during these little dance sessions too.
+ Last week you measured in at 20 lbs, 10 oz. and 28.5 inches tall. You are wearing mostly 12-18 month clothes. We love every deliciously precious part of you, our sweet, spunky girl.
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